
Showing posts from January, 2019

Myth about toothpaste in Burn

Is it reasonable  to put toothpaste over your burn wound? No, it might further worsen your wound. Irrigation with tap water over the cutaneous burn will be of great help with the exception of alkali burn.  Consult your doctor for the best management 

Tondo Clinics

1. Metro Clinic 2. Tondo Skin Clinic 3. Dr Alcaraz Clinic Annual PE clinics 

Cagayan De Oro City Hospitals

Here is the list of Hospitals in Cagayan De Oro 1. Capitol University Medical City 2. Polymedic General Hospital 3.  Polymedic Medical Plaza 4. Maria Reyna–Xavier University Hospital 5. Cagayan de Oro Medical Center 6.Madonna and Child Hospital 7. Sabal Hospital 8. Puerto Community Hospital, 9. Maternity-Children's Hospital and Puericulture Center (formerly Oro Doctor's Hospital)  Contact Numbers  and services offered to follow